Candice Tran Dai
Group Chair
- Benjamin Ang
Team Members:
- Fitriani Bintang
- Farlina Said
- Munish Sharma
- Dr. Moonyati Yatid
- Dr. Haleema Zia
The Asia-Pacific region is characterized by a strong heterogeneity in terms of economic development, which is perfectly reflected in the degree of maturity of countries in the region regarding cyber developments and strategies.
Many Asian governments have integrated the information and communication technologies (ICT) into their socio-economic development strategy which means an increased corollary dependence upon the ICT in terms of economic prosperity. In this regard, several countries in the region belong to the leading global exporters of ICT goods and services and, for a number of them, the contribution of ICT and digital technology to GDP is relatively important.Hence, from a regional perspective, the expansion of digital economies and the development of information societies result in stronger vulnerability and greater exposure to cybercrimes and cyberthreats, both internally and externally. One thing is clear; Asian countries have become a favorite target of cyberattacks worldwide. The prevalence of cybercrime in the region reflects without doubt the economic vitality of the Asia-Pacific region, which has become very attractive for potential gains from cybercriminal activities. However, the boundaries between what constitutes an act of crime, economic or strategic espionage are still difficult to determine.
At national level the vast majority of countries in the region are looking to seriously tackle the issue of cybersecurity, the result is a wide disparity in approaching the question of cybersecurity and in formulating policies and national strategies. However, more and more mechanisms for cooperation in this area are also at work, both bilaterally and regionally, with specific concerns relating to the region in cyberspace.
CyAPAC special interest group works at the intersection of business, technology and governance and handle topics related to the strategies, policies and initiatives undertaken by Asian States to grow and protect their positions in cyberspace, which include but are not limited to:
- ICT industry, information society and digital usage
- New Tech and future Tech
- Cyber regulation
- Cyber security threat landscape
- National cybersecurity strategies & policies
- Cyber geopolitics
- Cyber cooperation frameworks
Reports, Papers, Briefings
Towards Growing Military Cyber Developments in the Asia-Pacific Region
In this issue brief, we look specifically at military cyber developments in the Asia-Pacific region. It gives an overview of the evolution of the policy and strategy of several countries in the region, laying out the foundations for a deeper involvement of the military in cyberspace. And discuss current trend within the regional security context.